The Papago,
native North Americans, tell us in a legend,
that once upon a time, the Creator
felt sorry for the children when he realized that their destiny was to grow
old, fat, blind and to die.
So he collected the fountains for the most
beautiful colors of the universe, the flowers, the leaves, the sun, the skies, mixed and bundled them up in a package, as a gift for the children.
When they opened it up, the butterflies, colorful and enchanting flew out in song, much to the delight of the children.
When they opened it up, the butterflies, colorful and enchanting flew out in song, much to the delight of the children.
And fright by the song
birds, who jealous, protested and petionned the Creator.
Here we have it, we got what we got.
Here we have it, we got what we got.
Os Papagos, índios norte americanos, explicam que a tempos atrás, o Criador teve pena das crianças, quando se deu conta de que o destino delas era mesmo o de envelhecer, engordar, ficarem mancas, cegas e morrer.
Daí que êle pegou as fontes de tôdas as côres mais belas, das flôres, do sol, das folhas, do céu.
Misturou tôdas dentro de um pacote e as deu de presente as crianças.
Quando elas abriram o pacote, dali voaram as borboletas, coloridas e encantadoras.
Note-se bem que naquele tempo as borboletas também cantavam, para delícia das crianças e grande espanto dos passarinhos.
Êstes finalmente se reuniram em comício e reclamaram junto ao Creador.
E deu no que deu…