sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2018

Transactions with beauty

Lovers find secret places
inside this violent world
where they make transactions
with beauty.

Reason says, Nonsense. I have walked and measured the walls here. There are no places like that.

Love says, There are.

-Rumi, from Secret Places

sábado, 22 de setembro de 2018

Autumn/Spring Equinox

May your autumn be seed full and your spring filled with sprout. 

May you be friendly with the creatures that visit you.

Waiting for Grace and sometimes forgetting to post here… 

sábado, 1 de setembro de 2018


The beauty of not knowing.

Scary place

the cat with little strings attached

Hobbes and I

quarta-feira, 18 de julho de 2018


 Serendipity at work in art.

Jay Brooks is a great artist from New York, here for the Easton Pleinair art festival. My neighbor Anne introduced us and told me he was interested in painting the old boats in the garden. And so, for three or more days, he did.

To my delight, amusement and amazement his art transformed and redeemed the beauty of old memories, decaying structures, rust and rut. To capture a slight of green vine in morning light, poison ivy, budding new willow oak, glint of steel. 

Morningside abandoned by dichroic bead artist Scott Turnbull, son of Gordon and stepson of mine. “Erica, Dad, I found a perfect boat, abandoned! Can I bring it over?”

Sailing down the Little Choptank, help from grounding, grudgingly but, in matter of course given by old master fishermen going to work, so early in the morning. Territories that I now navigate by vehicle, searching for butterflies. 

Allegra Mestiza with her ability to sail fast in shallow waters…

Then Dauntless, bought fairly in trade for an original Rockwell, friend of father’s. Great stories revisited. 

Jay’s work impresses me for his ability to concentrate, then concentrate some more. Beatle music helps, he says. He has a vision and the awesome gift to present it gracefully to the outside world. 

For more information about Jay Brooks:

Sempre presente
do meditar no hoje...

quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2018


A trip to the beach to see the ocean, wild Assateague horses and maybe, some butterflies.

My first glimpse of the Atlantic Ocean this year was filled with people with heavy bodies and heavy beach gear, instant nature cameras and plenty of aerosol bug spray.

The marshes were quieter.

Diamondback terrapins, first time ever seen...

Enormous gulls

Seaside dragonlets

A tiny community of twenty or so Wood Nymphs gracing the marsh boardwalk, at the west end,  surprising steps down to the beach inlet   

More Seaside Dragonlets interested in Virginia creeper in bloom. 

The wild horses, absent for most of my morning trek, offered a horse and pony show at the exit road, creating a traffic jam and empowering car window tourism that has gained such applause, in a world of too many humans, so immersed in fear.

quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2018


A morning, from early seven to noon.

Alone in the field, searching for monarchs, 

and finding instead, early tiny skipper butterflies that measure at least half an inch. 

Waiting quietly for a blue dragonfly to perch again, on the same blade of light green native grass, (on any blade of grass, for clear view)

for a pileated woodpecker to feed a baby, once again, way up on a barren tree. 

Waiting for a young deer to finish grazing the roadside before moving on, and even then, stopping by his side, for a photo of no fear. 

A loud noise and a jump in the forest.

Enchanted with an apparition, reflection of pink red-purple above a common pond.

In spite of Cartesian ID fevers, 
endless competitions in naming games,
mosquitoes, flies
& doubt, 

At the end of the road, a monarch, in a barren land of salty trail stone.

Nothing much in this world is better than the solitude of this morning.

sábado, 12 de maio de 2018


PROSA SEMI LINEAR: CARTAS DE AMOR:     Os mistérios do correio lento...   Até parece as vezes que enxergo caravelas navegando nas calmarias dos céus c...

terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2018


PROSA SEMI LINEAR: A THOUSAND AND ONE STORIES: As mil e uma estórias das sementes da romã e da viagem de Perséfone para dentro dos territórios da Morte (e do inferno de Hades), da Mãe ter...

sábado, 31 de março de 2018

Art of Stewardship

I am delighted to have two of my works in the “Art of Stewardship” show, at the RiverArts Gallery, in Chestertown, Maryland. 

The opening reception is on Friday, April 6, from 5 to 8 pm. The exhibit runs until the end of the month.

Double-Headed Illusion
Iridescent inch and a half gossamer-winged M-album hairstreak, named after Parrhassius, the Athenian papa of trompe d’oeuil.

Dona Gaura, Dona Joana & the Creatures
Family love, whirling butterfly in peaceful coexistence.

sábado, 17 de fevereiro de 2018


I stay on the Eastern Shore
because the geese migrate here

Year after year
their flying shadows 
their moves
settle my doubts

wet days of spring, hot days of summer

We are the passerbyes
the accidental tourists
They, the geese are the people.