quinta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2013


Fortified by its knowledge of the Book of the Dead, then, the Wake here answers the haunting eschatological question of how the decaying corpse, buried in loamy inertia and scattering throughout the material universe, initiates the process by which it resurrects itself bodily into life: it opens its mouth in the hour when the sun moves through the gates of dawn, and it lets language, consciousness, and sunlight flood back in to replace darkness.”
Quotes from “Joyce’s book of the dark: Finnegan’s wake”, by John Bishop

Forever do we try to gather then at dawn
force open the lid to the loamy inertia
so as to return to scattered play
primordial dance

no mating in view,
lusco fusco,
chiaro scuro

sunlight so bright
the words of language curse
our morning breath so foul

Unable to retreat
the light a beacon
we flock to Sunday Sermon
we build inside these walls
we dress
we mate the tonic of our loss
we lose our visions
we chat in language
forget the magic

Unable to sustain
in holding hands
we marry
the rituals of these words.

"Presuming to speak directly from the point of view of the corpse, the Book of the Dead may be one of the few books on earth ideally written for an audience consisting entirely of the dead.”
If you write of things from the night
of the dark perspectives,
yet continue to expect living creatures
to give you understanding…

Well then apply the great concept,
call yourself the reluctant writer

from the depths,
start to keep two sets of books,
two sets of diaries,

two sets of memories,
two sets of loves:

one for the accounting of the living
one for the accounting of the dead.

Erica Weick
At the turn of the millennium…updated at the end of 2013


quarta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2013


Today I saw an old ending go by
silver linings
and merry passages of the now...


sexta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2013


Transparencies, positions and color spills
"Why name them? Vanity, vanity, nothing but vanity: the itch for naming things is almost as bad as the itch for possessing things.”
Edward Abbey in Desert Solitaire





"Through naming comes knowing; we grasp an object, mentally, by giving it a name - hension, prehension, apprehension. And thus through language create a whole world, corresponding to the other world out there. Or we trust that it corresponds. Or perhaps, like a German poet, we cease to care, becoming more concerned with the naming than with the things named; the former becomes more real than the latter. And so in the end the world is lost again. No, the world remains - those unique, particular, incorrigibly individual junipers and sandstone monoliths - and it is we who are lost. Again. Round and round, through the endless labyrinth of thought - the maze." Edward Abbey, Desert Solitaire


Transparências, posições e transbordares de cor

“Porque dar nome? Vaidade, vaidade, nada senão vaidade: o impeto de dar nome as coisas é tão ruim quanto o impeto de ter coisas.”

Edward Abbey, Desert Solitaire.

domingo, 8 de dezembro de 2013


Pollen of dust to dust

"It is foolish to approach the infinite as if it is a product of the finite world. The infinite is primary. It is an inevitability of nature. The finite world follows in its wake. The finite we experience is a secondary component. And at some level we all know this." Harris.

In vindication
for all my religions
semi mystical thoughts
about everything
and about nothing

I shall pour my poetry on to you
like a liquid
with no vessel to contain it

be romantic
invent you

and in the end

you and I will fall flat
between slivers
in a parallel universe

a mundo splashed side by side
like a hunt for treasure chest
pearls spilled gift for the other

we shall travel
die and compost

in the same no place at all
beginning of earth
of dirt and of dust

Erica Weick

Seed by seed



sexta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2013



Nas belas palavras de Tião Rocha, educador e líder mineiro:

A partir de hoje Nelson Mandela deixa de ser uma pessoa e, ao tornar-se "encantado", transforma-se num verbo: eu mandelo, tu mandelas, ele e ela mandela, nós mandelamos, vós mandelais, eles e elas mandelam.
"Mandelar" significa: lutar até a morte pelos valores mais essenciais de nossas vidas: liberdade, justiça, igualdade, respeito e tolerância.



In the beautiful words of Tião Rocha, Brazilian leader and educator:

“As of now Mandela ceases to be a person and as he becomes “enchanted” he is transformed into a verb: I mandela, you mandela, he and she mandelas, we mandela, you mandela, they mandela.  To “mandela” means to fight until death for the most essential values in our lives: freedom, justice, equality, respect and tolerance.”


terça-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2013



1 umbigo de bananeira cortado em fatias

½ kilo de açúcar mascavo ou uma rapadura grande raspada

Numa vasilha de vidro alterne as fatias da flor com um pouco de açúcar ou de rapadura raspada.  Monte várias camadas e leve o recipiente ao fogo em banho-maria por alguns minutos.  Deixe a mistura descansar por dois dias (48 horas).  Coe o caldo formado e guarde num pote de vidro esterilizado.

Sugere-se tomar uma colher de sopa pela manhã e outra antes de dormir. Repita por 15 dias, fique 15 dias sem tomar e repita a dosagem por mais 15 dias. Bom pra ajudar com problemas respiratórios.  

Na receita da comunidade de fitoterapia de Boa Esperança, no sul de Minas, tenho anotado a adição dos seguintes ingredientes curativos: assa-peixe, poejo, transagem, mel e própolis.


1 umbigo de bananeira picado em rodelas finas (picar dentro da agua pra não escurecer)

1 cebola media picada

1 pimentão picado

1 maço de salsa ou coentro ou mistura

1 maço pequeno de cebolinha

200 g. azeitonas verdes e pretas

Sal e pimenta a gosto

Azeite de oliva

Escorrer a agua da banana cortada, lavar mais uma vez e ferver com 1 pitada de sal por mais ou menos 10 minutos.  Deve ficar al dente.

Ajuntar os outros ingredientes e dar uma fervurinha rápida. Se quiser pode omitir esse passo e deixar os outros ingredientes crus.

Deixar resfriar, temperar com salsinha e coentro frescos e azeite a vontade. Servir com arroz.


Curso Extração Óleos Essenciais e Preparação de Incensos

ONDE: São Gonçalo do Rio das Pedras, Minas Gerais, Brasil

QUANDO: Tempo de chuva, novembro 2013

Skies of Minas Gerais, on the way North

Roadside stand - peppers, fruit, juices, free range eggs, sugar cane brandy and more

Ancient "paineira" (chorisia sp.) and young author - main plaza Sao Goncalo do Rio das Pedras

Pousada Refugio dos Tres Amigos, Sao Goncalo do Rio das Pedras

Curcuma zedoaria

Marcos Guiao and participants

GOLD - compost

Heirloom corn

Field learning and exchanges


Pequi fruit (Caryocar brasiliense)

Rainha do Cerrado/ Queen of the Highlands

Collection of Sao Jose grasses for essential oil extraction

Malva and field learning

Banana flower - excellent in cough syrup, also in salads

Horsetail or Cavalinha (equisetum sp.) -ancient plant propagated by spores

Carqueja (Baccharis genistelloides)

Palm tree


Lobo lobo used in natural artisanal incense manufacturing

Marcos Guiao explaining essential oils in a blade of grass

The newly completed essential oils house

Double distillation  - Capim Nago ou Sao Jose and lavender

Capim nago (Nago grass) and lavender

Me and the cows

Meeting space and seed bank

End of classes - beauty spa

Seed saving

Pequi tree and joy