sábado, 13 de julho de 2013



Work by Ganga Devi (1928 – 1991), found in the book Ganga Devi: Traditions and Expressions in Mithila Painting by Jyotindra Jain. Appeared in Will Schofield’s now extinct but fantastic blog “Journey round my skull”. Check out “50 Watts”, his current blog.


From the blog: “While she was deeply rooted in the tradition [of Mithila painting], which was a source of inspiration in her work and of courage in her tormented personal life, she was one of the few Mithila artists to respond spontaneously and vigorously to the possibilities offered by the availability of paper in the region [starting in the early 60s]. . . With the availability of paper, Ganga Devi no longer confined herself to painting the ritual kohbar-ghar and aripan, with their limited vocabulary of symbols and images, but started to investigate the unlimited potential offered by line drawing….”/ 


Trabalho de Ganga Devi, artista indiana (1928-199), do livro Ganga Devi: Ganga Devi: Traditions and Expressions in Mithila Painting de Jyotindra Jain. Do fantástico (e extinto) blog “Journey round my skull” de Will Schofield. A ver o blog dêle entitulado “50 watts”.


Citado no blog ”A artista estava firmemente plantada na tradição da pintura Mithila, fonte de inspiração para seu trabalho e de coragem em sua vida atormentada.  Foi uma das poucas artistas desta tradição que respondeu vigorosamente a introdução e disponibilidade do papel em sua região (a partir da década de 60)... não se limitou a pintar os rituais de kohbar-ghar e aripan com seu vocabulário restrito, mas começou a investigar o potencial sem limites do desenho...”


(Desenho de Ganga Devi - A Arvore da Vida)

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